Tuesday, September 20, 2011

We are at Brother Barrett's tonight

We are a "go" at Brother Barrett's. See his address in the below post.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Barrett Picnic Information

Annual Fall Picnic at Brother John Barrett’s (RSVP to gcaaofsae@gmail.com)
Tuesday September  20, 2011 6pm
Cost $20 cash at the door or check to GCAA of SAE
Address: 9300 Shawnee Run Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45243

Important:  If there is rain on Tuesday, we will be having the event at McDonald Commons in Madeira.  The address is 7351 Dawson Rd Madeira, Ohio 45243.  I will send out an email on Monday Evening or Tuesday morning after speaking with Brother Barrett. 

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

70's Reunion Save the Date - All are Welcome

On September 24th, the university is hosting an on-campus reunion for 70's alumni.  The goal is to have 10,000 graduates return to campus.
The Greater Cincinnati SAE Alumni Association is working with a group of alumni to host a pre-party for the reunion attendees.  However, the party will be open to ALL SAE ALUMNI.  The non-70's alumni can keep the party going as we don't want the 70's grads to not have a great post-event party to return to.  Please mark your calendars as you won't want to miss one of the best parties of the year.
More details to come.

Host Committee
(John Harvey, John Lame, Jay Hummel, Rick Anderson)

Monday, March 28, 2011

Brother Bill Seitz in the News

Brother Bill Seitz in the News 

Brother Bill Seitz was recently featured in this past weekend's Wall Street Journal on page A4, or at the following link: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703696704576222894142133456.html

Saturday, February 5, 2011

GCAA Founder's Day Celebration - March 4, 2011

The GCAA of SAE Founder's Day Celebration will be on Friday March 4, 2011 at 6pm in the James Gamble Nippert Memorial Lodge. 

Program details will be coming out soon, but the tenative schedule is as follows:
6:00 PM Cocktails
6:45PM Program/Meal

This year we will be honoring brother Richard Hopple, as we will be unveiling his portrait in the lodge next the other E.S.A.'s from Ohio Epsilon.  It will be a special night! Cost is $50 payable at the door or via mail to the address below.  Checks can be made payable to "GCAA of SAE". 

The $50 covers the following: $20 for annual dues, $15 for your meal, and $15 for an active's meal. 

Please RSVP by 2/25/2011 to either GCAAofSAE@gmail.com or by hard mail to:

John Harvey
2895 Losantiville Ave
Cincinnati, OH 45213
I look forward to seeing everyone!