About Us

The Greater Cincinnati Alumni Association of Sigma Alpha Epsilon is the alumni organization that serves the SAE alumni of the Greater Cincinnati Area. We provide alumni with updates on current events, organized gatherings, and opportunities to interact with the active brothers of SAE, in particular Ohio Epsilon.

Our three main events each year are as follows: a Fall Picnic at Brother John Barrett’s House (CEO of Western Southern Financial), Homecoming at UC in the front yard of the James Gamble Nippert Memorial Lodge, and a Founders Day Celebration with the brothers of Ohio Epsilon. At Founder’s Day, we typically will have a guest speaker such as, members of the UC Administration, UC Athletics coaches and prominent UC/SAE alumni. This past year (2010) we had UC Head Football Coach Butch Jones. (interested in attending these events? Email us at gcaaofsae@gmail.com)

The Executive Committee responsible for running the GCAA of SAE is made up of the following brothers.

President : John Harvey, Ohio E 2002

Treasurer : Steve Reder, Ohio E 1996

Recorder : Scott Kist, Ohio E 2003

Executive Member : Dave Gardner, Ohio E 2004

Executive Member : Nick Trelka, Ohio E 2001

Executive Member : Shane Ewald, Ohio E 2002