Monday, August 9, 2010


Welcome to the new home of the Greater Cincinnati Alumni Association of SAE.  We have had some ups and downs with technology over the last 12 months, and in an effort to put that all behind us, we have set up a new and hopefully PERMANENT home for the GCAA of SAE.  This site will be a means for you to read articles, messages from brothers, and about upcoming events.

This year the calendar has our traditional events planned: A fall picnic on September 22, homecoming on October 30th and Founder’s Day on March 4th. 

Along those same lines, we are working with Ohio Epsilon on the 100th anniversary celebration of the Devotie Hall Association and the opening of the new renovations and expansion of the James Gamble Nippert Memorial lodge. 

We have had a great past 12 months, and I promise you that with your help and continued support that we will have a great future 12 months. 

Phi Alpha,
John Harvey

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