Thursday, November 22, 2012

President Santa Ono Visits Ohio Epsilon


This past Tuesday, newly appointed President of the University of Cincinnati, Santa Ono, had dinner and spoke with the brothers of Ohio Epsilon at the James Gamble Nippert Memorial Lodge..  During his visit, President Ono was given a tour of the house, and marveled at the history of our chapter.

Once everyone sat down to dinner, President Ono began his speech on the how he came to be President, how Greek life has impacted his life, and the state of UC and the ongoing conference turmoil.

President Ono did not get involved in Greek life during his undergraduate career at the University of Chicago; a decision he said he always regretted.  Fortunately for him, he got another chance.  He was extended a bid by the Alpha Tau Omega fraternity to become an Honor Initiate while working at Emory University, which he eagerly accepted.  He experienced pledgeship and was initiated into the fraternity.  He praised the character traits that Greek Life builds, referencing the True Gentleman as a pinnacle example.

With regards to the Big East and the future of the University of Cincinnati, President Ono was confident that he could navigate the turmoil and that UC would continue to have the opportunity to play for national championships.

It was an honor to have President Santa Ono to the Ohio Epsilon house.  The undergraduates enjoyed his speech, and took advantage of the opportunity to speak with the leader of our University.

Ohio Epsilon continues to be one of the top chapters in the Sigma Alpha Epsilon realm, and we are always striving to reach new heights.

From the Brothers of the Ohio Epsilon Chapter, we wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!

Phi Alpha,


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